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aus Venezuela: +49 30 32 70 18 92, Fax (in Deutschland) +49 30 32 70 18 91.
Skype: bitpalast
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People needing assistance with their computers can call a toll-free Bitpalace hotline and describe their IT-problem to a service specialist. Bitpalace estimates problem-solving costs free of charge. Services will be charged only after customers commission Bitpalace with solving the actual problem.
As of today, IT-service provider Bitpalace operates a public support hotline for computer problems of any kind at normal phone rates. The IT-assistance service was established to help private customers and companies requiring help with setting up and operating their computers or servers. Bitpalace offers its assistance service independent of suppliers and brands, and solves problems immediately on the phone or, in more severe cases and after the necessary research, within a very short period of time. Requests can range from typical tasks like the creation of an e-mail account to more complex scenarios such as changing a web server script. Supported platforms include Windows, MacOS and Linux and the service also extends to general issues such as router and firewall configuration, PHP-programming, MySQL databases and many more.
Customers in need of assistance can call a phone number at normal phone rates and describe their problem to a service specialist. Initially, Bitpalace will estimate whether the problem can be solved and how much time is required for solving it, because even at Bitpalace IT-support itself is not free of charge. Unlike other expensive hotlines, however, Bitpalace only charges by the minute for the time actually used for problem solving. The per-minute-fee is low while service quality is exceptional. All Bitpalace employees have a degree in computer sciences or a similar academic degree.
If agreed to by the customer, support can also include remote maintenance, which allows Bitpalace to remotely make the appropriate adjustments to the customer’s IT-system. The necessary software is provided to customers free of charge. Remote access sessions are recorded and provided as a video file, without additional cost. All other steps from the original inquiry to the final solution are documented as well. This makes it possible for customers to later reconstruct how a specific computer problem was solved.
Bitpalast GmbH
Sensburger Allee 27
D-14055 Berlin (Germany)
Ansprechpartner für Interviews: Peter Debik M.A.
aus Venezuela: +49 30 32 70 18 92
Telefax aus Venezuela +49 30 32 70 18 91
Skype: bitpalast
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Billiger Webspace unter 1 US$/Monat
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"Schneller Webspace": schneller Webserver, schneller Web Server, leistungsstarker Webserver: schneller Webserver bzw. optimiertes Hosting (auf Geschwindigkeit optimierter Webspace). Webserver für Firmen / suchmaschinenoptimierte Websites und Shops.
aus Venezuela: +49 30 32 70 18 92 • GmbH, Sensburger Allee 27, D-14055 Berlin (Germany)
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